Sunday, December 11, 2011

Another Solution..

So you made time throughout your day, cut down on your time on Facebook and your cell phone, but you still need to find more time to sleep. You can make time by limiting the time you hang out and go out with friends. I get it. You want to hang out with your friends and so do I. But unfortunately you sometimes have to put your priorities in order.  Sleep is more important than going out for a night.

Managing your time with your friends is an easy solution. An easy way to manage time with your friends is to have study groups with them. You get your time in with your friends and you get your work done. It’s like killing two birds with one stone; or three birds. You get to spend time with your friends, get your work done and in turn have more time for sleep. Especially now that it is around the time for finals they can help relieve your stress. Another thing is if your friends want to hang out and you have work to do, do not go out. It’s a sacrifice you have to make.  Unfortunately some things are just more important than others. It will be worth it in the long run. Going out one night is not more important than potentially failing an exam. 
So you want more sleep? It’s up to you to manage your time and stop wasting time to go and get it.

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